Your Guide to Becoming the Authority in your Domain

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Knowledge Work Discussion Topics

Past and Present:

What is knowledge work?

Who are the knowledge workers? What do they do?

How many knowledge workers are there? Where do they live and work?

Who are the most successful knowledge workers? How can you become one?

Trends and Future:

What kind of knowledge work will be most valuable?

"Long tail" opportunities

Challenges of Knowledge Work

Working Independently

Cognitive demands (depth vs. breadth of knowledge)

Communicating your work

“Selling” knowledge

Virtual colleagues

Connecting globally

What are the opportunities for the class collectively and individually, and what are the concrete challenges we in the class face in increasing – or often, simply maintaining – our value as knowledge workers? 

Knowledge Work Basics | Knowledge Workers | K-Work and Innovation | Frameworks for understanding K-Work | Discussion Points


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